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This is a list of some of our most popular questions, and their relevant answers.
Please check to see if your question is listed here before submitting a ticket, as this will save you time waiting for a response from staff.

Where can I apply to be staff? Are applications open?

You can apply to be staff through the Applications tab. We open applications periodically when we need more staff, so check in often!

How do I report someone who broke the rules?

Reports can be submitted right here. Please ensure that you supply us with clear and valid evidence, as we may not be able to process your report otherwise.

I have a suggestion/I found a bug! How can I report it?

Bug reports, suggestions, and much more can always be submitted through our Contact form.
When submitting any bug reports, please include as much information as possible - this will aid us when we investigate the issue.

Do I get any perks for boosting your Discord server?

Yes! You get access to an exclusive channel and a custom booster role. We're also open to suggestions for more perks, as we want to make boosting more appealing to everyone.
However, please keep these suggestions to Discord perks only, as we cannot offer in-game perks.

Where can I find the in-game rules for each game?

We operate one standard set of rules for all of our current games - you can access them through the Rules tab on the navigation menu.

How do I become an advanced driver or an authorised firearms officer?

Trainings for advanced drivers and firearms officers are hosted in-game by our team of trainers, subject to their availability.
Join our Discord server to get notified in advance of the next training!

I bought some gamepasses in one of your games. Do these gamepasses transfer to your other games?

No, gamepasses only apply to the game that they're purchased on. You must purchase the relevant gamepass separately for each game.

I'm not happy with my purchase. Can you give me a refund?

Unfortunately refunds are not possible, as they go against Roblox's Terms of Service, and there is no official method to provide a refund.
If you'd still like to be refunded, please speak with Roblox's support team.

What are private companies? How do I join them?

Private companies, owned by Developers or above, are specific companies within each game that may provide additional variety and progression.These companies are not part of the standard experience, and access to them is not guaranteed.
To learn more about each company and their recruitment methods, please join our Discord server.
Note: NPAS is not a private company - it is a handpicked specialist branch of the police. The only way to join is to be selected for it.